Concrete poetry: A Battle-Scarred Red Admiral

This post is inspired by a wonderful photograph for a brave little Red Admiral butterfly taken by Derrick J. Knight. Its wings are tattered but that didn’t stop it from coming out to enjoy the sunshine. What a magical moment, made permanent on film! Thank you Derrick for sharing this with us. I also owe you the title of this poem. You will find Derrick’s post with the photograph here. I’ve tried to match the shape of the poem to Derrick’s butterfly to the best of my abilities (well, what an hour or so of effort would allow for at least).

Concrete Poetry
A Battle-Scarred Red Admiral (c) Sam Rappaz, 2015


Here’s what a full-bodied Red Admiral butterfly would look like:

Red Admiral (c) Driss & Marrion CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
Red Admiral (c) Driss & Marrion CC BY-NC-SA 2.0


This is my first attempt at Concrete Poetry and it’s a tough form! Thank you Writing 201

Day 4: Prompt-Animal; Device- Enjambment; Form-Concrete poetry

45 thoughts on “Concrete poetry: A Battle-Scarred Red Admiral

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  1. You might be a poetic genius. I absolutely love how this poem is structured. It is beautiful and made me feel a little sad with the winter and broken wings, but it is also valiant and full of hope. Bravo! Or as appreciation in poetry readings is shown by snapping fingers: Snap! Snap! Snap!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It was interesting because there was a point in each line where there were three ways to read the thought and I had never tried writing this way before. A cool exercise. I am glad it came out with some coherence. I appreciate you taking your time to read and comment. Thank you.


      1. This is a gorgeous piece!! You nailed this assignment. I can’t ell but read this over and over. I love how you painted this brave butterfly, and your imagery was very effective.

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      2. You continue to impress me! I’m gal that little butterfly struck the right chords in you. I look forward to seeing what else you can etch up with words same. Assignment 4… Check 🙂

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    1. The pleasure is all mine Derrick. I was contemplating writing on something insidious like a virus which would be easy to form given all the straight lines but this butterfly stole my heart. I am so glad that you like it. I was a bit nervous about it 🙂

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Go for it! I know you want to.

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