The Letting-Go

The young man shivered violently as he came up for air. The stream was cold, with a slow, but not sluggish, current. Orange winter sunlight reflected over the clear water that foamed delicately around boulders. The air was still. Birds sang busily. The young man and his uncles, who were standing on the bank, had... Continue Reading →

Silent Night

I have come to really like Trio prompts. This post combines FOUR Trio prompts. Final Trio: bookcase, something cracked and a song you love Trio No. 3: a dark night, your fridge, and tears (of joy or sadness; your call) Odd Trio Redux: a slice of cake, a pair of flip-flops, and someone old and... Continue Reading →

On the edge of a dream

I need to board a train. The train takes me home. I take a tram to get to the train station. In the tram we are given dance classes. My teacher is wearing a mask and a black costume. He doesn’t show me his face until I get off the tram to cross the road... Continue Reading →

Story of a life (in 50 words)

She made to-do-lists for everything. She even had a list that listed her lists. She had nested folders where lists were organised meticulously. All this took so much time that she never got to check the boxes. Thus, she never did anything and everything became things she would never do. Inspired by Daily prompt: Kick... Continue Reading →

Pay the Piper

You are following me, aren’t you? I can see you. The black SUV with the tinted windows; swerving behind that Volkswagon. Those xenon headlights. You are not even trying to be discrete. You want me to know I am being followed. I am not scared. Follow me all you want; I am not worried. Nope.... Continue Reading →

Lost touch

Damn you signal bars! Come on! I am on my terrace now. There is barely any cloud cover. What more do you want? I wonder if there is a defibrillator for mobile phones. Oh, wait. I can switch it off and on again. Thank you The IT Crowd. Okay…hmm… waiting…waiting…Enter Passcode. Yes! I have one... Continue Reading →

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