Tips to avoid Failure (in Scientific Writing or Life)

You: Woman (in Science!) Begin with the Figure: Perfectly ordered As though ordained. Shhh: Respect the narrative, No negatives, Be neutral. Only briefly discuss Limitations. Focus Your priorities: Strategic choices. Remember peers Love a success story, With a bonne chance For reproduction. The poem gives advice to woman scientists on how to be Accepted in... Continue Reading →

Sestina: The surprise of a lifetime

In an attempt to regain balance I almost Lost all control. The evening before I sat in my study Thinking of what I could do different and love More than my present occupation. My feet Twitched below the desk in fervent prayer or doubt, Either way I was beginning to kindle a soul-scorching fire. On... Continue Reading →


Not just a mathematical uncertainty An exclamation of human emotion that Makes one feel insensible, irrational. I wonder how much it matters - this Need to logically think, to unravel Quandaries with a stick of a defined length And set out the shapes in perfect geometry. Where does it come from? We are governed by... Continue Reading →

The Do that I Do that I Do so, well?

My café au lait which is too foamy for its own good sits hissing by the side while I silently waste my time on Twitter to find out what's more important than Djokovic winning the Australian Open. People are sharing their blogs, inspirational quotes and there are other bits and bobs on there which on... Continue Reading →

O Black Widow!

Black and glossy dollop of sin Frozen explosion of sticky tar Red ominous assassin marking: Hourglass - Timing every kill on your venter. You lie still waiting suspended Within your tangled web of deceit Sensing movements unintended Waving - A deadly acrobat on eight feet. Stronger than steel your silken fibre Your resolve persists stronger... Continue Reading →

The author that ignited a passion that became a profession

I have always found my solace in words, for as long as I can remember. I have been most influenced by characters I have read about; no matter if completely fictitious or generously inspired. I somehow could not make sense of people I met in real life. They either obfuscated their motives or didn’t give... Continue Reading →

The old don’t grow wise; they grow careful

Take more photographs, younger Sam. Life moves on very quickly and all that remains after ten years will be streaks and puffy white clouds of blurred memories, as though life was The Road Runner. You must try to capture all its juicy mass at every given opportunity or at the very least use malfunctioning electronics... Continue Reading →

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