Respectful & Necessary: India’s Daughter

I am posting this on March 9, 2015. A regular Monday. Rape is not just an International Women's Day issue. It is an everyday-of-the-year issue. Death and Birth of Nirbhaya On the night of December 16 2012 a 23-year-old woman, a medical student, was gang raped by 6 men in a moving bus in Delhi.... Continue Reading →

Taking stock of the shock

I was already perturbed after the hostage situation in Sydney on Monday, December 15. But nothing could have prepared me for the horrendous act of brutality perpetrated in Peshawar the very next day. It has taken me a while to collect my thoughts and assemble them with enough coherence so that I could express them in... Continue Reading →

Fashion Advice

Black to hide the tears that drip off your chin, or white to heal the senses? You either wear anger disguised as anguish, or helplessness stitched up as disappointment. You wear a patchwork of your life, or a crochet of your dreams. You model the look of being in control. That what's about to unfold... Continue Reading →

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