My first award – very inspiring indeed!

I am usually embarrassed by awards and praise so this is the most awkward post I’ve had to write. That does not mean I am not exceedingly pleased to receive my very first award on this blog. It means so much more since it comes from bloggers and intended to spread ‘blog love’. I’ve been nominated by the talented and lovely Ruth Brodrick over at I-read. I am honoured, I accept the rules gladly and will wear the badge proudly! very-inspiring-blogger-award I am happy that this came on the same day as I reached the 200 follower mark and a 1000 likes on the blog. It’s been a good blog day overall. I’m so grateful and thankful to everyone who reads, comments and likes my posts; or does any of those in any combination. It’s been wonderful to share my thoughts with you.

Here are the rules for the award:

1. Thank the person who nominated you and add a link to their blog – check

2. Display the award on your post – check

3. List the award rules so your nominees will know what to do – check

4. State 7 things about yourself – checking

  1. I love oatmeal, mueseli, cereal flakes (except the chocolatey and sugary ones). I could eat that for all my meals every day.

  2. Even though I grew up on 90’s pop, I cannot handle today’s pop music. No Nicki Minaj, No Bieber, No No No No. It gets me very angry.

  3. I laugh every time I hear or see someone laughing even if I don’t know them. For example, if I see a person laughing in public spaces, even if they are many meters away, I will laugh along. It has led to many awkward moments in my life.

  4. I like reading biology/biochemistry/biotechnology textbooks. I recently read Molecular Biology of Cancer by Robert A. Weinberg in its entirety very happily. Lehninger’s Biochemistry is my favourite textbook of all times.

  5. I have a huge crush on Pep Guardiola, the ex-manager of FC Barcelona and current manager of FC Bayern Munich.

  6. I don’t like smartphones.

  7. I have spent days weeks watching baking and dessert-making shows even though I have never baked nor made any proper dessert in my entire life.

5. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award – checking

  1. Judy at lifelessons. Her words, talent and life stories inspire me everyday.

  2. Teresa at River of Life Flows. Her blog posts are always so sincere and full of love.

  3. Phoebe at Musings of a PuppyDoc. Her poems are powerful, poignant and purposeful.

  4. Getting Personal. One of the few bloggers who has gotten me emotional. Incredible talent for writing. I’m inspired to be more courageous with my words.

  5. Vonita at Passion for Poetry. It amazes me how she’s able to write such beautiful verses everyday. I’m truly inspired as a poet.

  6. Paula at freshpaula. She’s got a great all-round blog and very sincere as well.

  7. Mira at They, You and Me. She writes lovely haiku and always has interesting photographs to share. It’s a joy to read her.

  8. Nelkumi at What does nelkumi think? She bears and bares her struggles for us to see and that takes courage. She inspires me.

  9. Gossamerwhip at soulCPR. New blogger with great style. Love it!

  10. Livingonchi at All About Being Human. Really honest blogger and always kind enough to read others’ posts and comments. A wonderful photographer as well. It’s been a pleasure following this blog.

  11. Maisstraus at story de-pot. A strong and talented voice.

  12. Helene at LifeinFrame. An amazing photographer.

  13. Shailaja at The Moving Quill. The best flash fiction and short fiction writer I have reader on WordPress.

  14. Sayali at Saya..D..Poet. Probably the most caring person I have met on WordPress. A real gem.

  15. okcforgottenman at serial monography: forgottenman’s ruminations. His posts are delightful and remarkable. He has inspired me by writing such wonderfully encouraging comments to my posts as I was starting out.

It takes a small gesture to make a big difference in the life of a new blogger. Most of the people on this list, other than being talented, have also taken some time during these past 6 weeks to write something in my blog – a word of praise or reciprocating a feeling. It is that connection that has made me fall in love with my ‘Another Voice’. I had never known such a joy before.

I have of course left out some other very important bloggers who also regularly read and comment here or are just plain great at what they do. They either have a ‘No Award’ policy that I have come across or have just recently been flooded with too many of these awards (I mean you Sandra at A Momma’s View and Julia at Mamamaitri).

6. Contact your nominees to let them know you have nominated them. Provide a link to your post. – will check in a bit

7. Proudly display the award logo (or buttons) on your blog, whether on your side bar, ABOUT page, or a special page for awards. – okie dokie, also will check in a bit

Looking back at that – it’s a pretty long Acceptance Speech. Phew! I hear the orchestra starting…

If you could give me a moment more… I would like to once again thank Ruth for the nomination and lastly add that the nominees I have listed NEED NOT DO ANYTHING if they so wished. I just wanted them to know that I am here, reading and looking over their blogs and that their work has meant something to me.

Congratulations to one and all! Hurrah!


37 thoughts on “My first award – very inspiring indeed!

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  1. O my!😳 thank you so much. I am so sorry if I took so long. I and my crew members went into the forest to shoot a student movie and we had no access to the Internet. We are still going back there later today so I don’t have very much time to do stuff online but I promise to come back and accept my award😊. I mean… Who wouldn’t!! Thank you so much again and congratulations to you! Till I return! 😇

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi there! So great to hear about your cool project. Hope it turns out better than you wished. You’re more than welcome for the award. You deserve it and many more. I hope to read more from you soon! Bests always.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. The smile on my face kept growing bigger and bigger as i read your “acceptance speech”…
    I think your heart is in the right place! and you are certainly a beautiful soul…
    Thank you for mentioning all those bloggers in your nominations list! Story de-pot, livingonchi, puppyDoc…. check, check, check!
    I can’t wait to check em all out! (Bookmarking this page)
    As always, looking fwd to your myriad blogs on the goings on of your slice of life.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for all the kind words. I am happier knowing that I’ve helped you find some great blogs. They all deserve a follow 🙂 I look forward to reading more from you as well! 🙂


  3. Hi Sam, congrats on your nomination! I feel so humbled at your kind words also, there are so many beautiful poets and writers on wordpress, and feel every day that I am cheating the system – writing poetry that is not poetry at all (who can even classify what I write?), thank you so, so much! Congrats once again 🙂 Vonita xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha. You deserve it all Vee. For me, your poetry is perfect. At least in my definition of it. It’s not a fluke that you have garnered as much support as you have here on wordpress. You are very talented and you’re awesome! 🙂 Thank you coming over and being so kind. Hugs and best wishes always, Sam.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks, Sam, for nominating me. You are getting so much support because your blog is excellent!!! Write on! (I answered your apologia re/ Shooing with Tongue on the Tongue of a Shoe but had to do it in a new comment as I’d already replied to yours, so if you aren’t notified, have a look for it. You have an assignment! ) xo Judy

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